Week 2: Blabberize

This week we are going to look at interviewing people. We will have some speakers in during the week from the Ardgillan and we will learn some fascinating new information.

Skerries is an old town so it is steeped in history you can do some additional reading if you want to impress our guest speakers. Here are some links:

Ardgillan Castle

Red Island 

We are going to have a guest speaker in from Ardgillan Castle tomorrow. We have already discussed the Castle in class and we have talked about what we know and want to know about the castle, the WALT chart shown below can help you with your homework tonight- Think of a question you would like out guest speaker to answer.

Link to the KWL Chart for class work:


Upload to Google Docs to edit later

Task in class:

We will do a PowerPoint presentation on the Islands of Skerries in threes.

Here is an easy tutorial for a PowerPoint presentation

Here is a video about the Lady's Stairs taken from the Ardgillan Castle website, have a look at it and it might answer some of the questions on our KWL chart.

Task 1:

We are going to be interviewing people over the next few days and it's important to have your questions ready and not be caught on the hop. So in order to prepare for that I have a task for you.

Look at this interview of a nine year old boy interviewing the writer of a Diary of a Wimpy Kid and two actors who star in the movie.


List the things you think make this interview good.

Consider: Questions, time given to answer, use of voice, postioning on screen etc.

Click here for the template on interviewing planning you will need for homework

Here is some extra help on good interviewing you might want to read for your homework assignment

Task 2: Blabberize (Examples and tutorials are on the resources page) 

In threes you are going to pick someone you know to interview. This person should be someone with an interesting story or myth to tell about Skerries history. You can going to record their interview using blabberize.com

Talk to your grannies, grandads or parents and friends and ask them to tell us their story.

Here is an example of short but effective blabberize.

We will show our blabberize to the other classes when they are finished at assembly.

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